Appendix E: Sample Ladder Logic
TMC 188/40 Motion Control Module
Delta Computer Systems, Inc. 360/254-8688
Appendix E: Sample Ladder Logic
This ladder demonstrates how to initialize the TMC188/40 and make one axis move.
It assumes the data tables are filled by TISOFT or DCSMON. It is important that you
understand this program thoroughly before starting one of your own. Please copy the
techniques used in this program and let us know if you find a better way. There is a V
Memory map of this demo on page 63.
Please see
on the DCSMON disk for other ladder logic examples.
Initializes the WY registers on the TMC188/40.
The eight consecutive WY registers must contain the V Memory addresses of
the TMC188/40 data tables. The table addresses below are for this demo
only; your application can use different addresses, but you must load
the WY registers with the addresses you are using.
│ Register Address
│ WY201 = 201 - Parameters for Axis 1 are at V201
│ WY202 = 251 - Parameters for Axis 2 are at V251
│ WY203 = 301 - Parameters for Axis 3 are at V301
│ WY204 = 351 - Parameters for Axis 4 are at V351
│ WY205 = 401 - Status area for all Axes start at V401
│ WY206 = 451 - Command area for all Axes start at V451
│ WY207 = 0 - Must be Zero unless using ECF
│ WY208 = 1956 - Sum of WY201 through WY207
│ This rung turns on the Always On coil C1 and moves the 8, 16-bit
│ words between V241 and V248 to WY201 through WY208. This copies the
│ address pointers from V Memory to the Word Output registers.
│ This tells the Motion Control Module where the parameters
│ are in V Memory.
│Always On MOVW──────────┐ Always On
│ │ │
│ │ Address of │
│ C1 │ Axis 1's │ C1
1 ├───┤ ├───┬─│ Parameters │───────────────────────────────( )
│ │ │ A:V241 │
│Always On│ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│ C1 │ │ B:WY201 │
├───┤/├───┘ │ N=8 │
│ └─────────────┘