The controls for the PTZ camera are as follows:
Pressing the + zooms in and pressing the –
zooms out
Pressing the + focuses the picture and pressing
the – takes the focus away, many PTZ cameras
do this automatically
Pressing the + lets in more light and pressing
the – takes light out of the picture, many PTZ
cameras do this automatically
Directional Keys:
Clicking on the directional arrows moves the
camera around
To set up cruise:
1. Using Set, or manually typing the number in, select the
channel that the PTZ camera is hooked up to in the type box.
2. Move the camera to the places you would like the PTZ camera
to cruise to and click the load button at each desired position.
3. If you select the “cls” button, the set positions will be cleared.
4. Click save once you have set all positions you would like to
cruise to.
5. To start the PTZ cruise select “cruise”, to stop the PTZ cruise
select “cruise” again.
When you right click the mouse a separate menu appears and allows you to preform the following functions:
• Open or close individual windows:
Click on the screen you would like to open/close. It should have
a red box around it then right click your mouse and select open/
close window
• You can also open/close all screens:
Right click and select from menu
• Start recording:
Right click and select from menu
• Stop recording:
Right click and select from menu