To turn auto maintenance on or off:
1. Select the scroll bar next to “auto maintain” and list will appear.
2. Highlight whether you would like auto maintain on or off and press select.
3. Select “apply” to save your changes.
To adjust auto reboot:
1. Select the scroll bar next to “auto reboot” and list will appear.
2. Highlight how often you would like the system to reboot (daily, weekly or
monthly) and press select.
3. You can also adjust the time you would like the system to reboot. To do
this, insert a time in the space next to the drop down list. (Based on a
24 hr clock)
4. Select “apply” to save your changes.
To update system:
A system update can be done if there is new software available for your DVR
model. This should only be done if a DEFENDER representative recommends it.
1. Download the proper upgrade files from and put
the files onto your USB flash drive.
2. Insert the USB flash drive into the back of the DVR.
3. Select system update, it should take a few minutes to update everything.
4. Once the update is complete your DVR will restart with the new
software on it.
To load default
Loading default settings will restore all settings on your DVR to the default
settings except your passwords and time adjustments.
1. Highlight and select “load default”.
2. A screen will appear asking you if you are sure you want to restore the DVR
to the default settings.
3. If you want to restore default, select “OK” , if not, select “cancel”.
4. If you choose to restore the settings, the DVR will take a few minutes
to load.
5. Once loaded, the factory default settings will be set.
To reboot the DVR:
1. Highlight and select “reboot”.
2. A screen will appear asking you if you are sure you would like to reboot the
DVR. To reboot, press “OK”, if not, select cancel.
3. If you prompted to reboot the DVR, the DVR will shut down and start
back up.
System maintenance allows you to load system default settings, set up your DVR for automatic maintenance, adjust
system reboot, manually reboot the system as well as update the system with a USB device.