SuperDVR & TD Series Cards
User Manual
Appendix 2.1.1 Cannot Install the SuperDVR Driver ............................................................... 76
Appendix 2.1.2 Why cannot run SuperDVR at the windows 2003 operate system? ................ 76
Appendix 2.1.3 Can’t find TD series Devices in Device Manager ............................................ 76
Appendix 2.2 How to Use SuperDVR ................................................................ 77
Appendix 2.2.1 Meanings of the indicator lights....................................................................... 77
Appendix 2.2.2 How does the different record mode work?..................................................... 77
Appendix 2.2.3 How to set recycling record mode on the system............................................ 77
Appendix 2.2.4 How to set auto reboot function ...................................................................... 77
Appendix 2.2.5 How to quickly use the schedule record function ............................................ 78
Appendix 2.2.6 What are the byte rates for different image qualities from highest to normal? 78
Appendix 2.2.7 The frame rate seems to be lower than what I set? ........................................ 78
Appendix 2.2.8 Why I can’t select more channels to backup? ................................................. 78
Appendix 2.3 How to Use Network Function ..................................................... 78
Appendix 2.3.1 How to monitor on the client-side .................................................................... 78
Appendix 2.3.2 Why I can’t download the client-side software? .............................................. 78
Appendix 2.3.3 Why can’t the server be configured at the client-side? .................................... 79
Appendix 2.3.4 Why I can’t see the images? ........................................................................... 79
Appendix 2.3.5 What should I do if the Internet speed is quite slow? ...................................... 79
Appendix 2.3.6 Why I can’t start WebCam server or RPB server? .......................................... 79
Appendix 2.4 Other Questions .......................................................................... 79
Appendix 2.4.1 Why computer display doesn’t work, and why I can’t access window system?
................................................................................................................................................. 79
Appendix 2.4.2 Why I can’t find the recorded files? ................................................................. 80
Appendix 2.4.3 Why the screens display is unstable with dithering and water-wave images? 80
Appendix 2.4.4 Why does it delay to play back, and it’s slow to close and open the driver? ... 80
Appendix 2.4.5 Why I can’t play back? .................................................................................... 80
Appendix 2.4.6 Why do I see some gray blocks on time progress bar area when play back? . 80
Appendix 2.4.7 Why could I see some old record sections that didn’t be covered when playing
back? ....................................................................................................................................... 80
Appendix 2.4.8 Precautions on changing system time ............................................................ 81
Appendix 2.4.9 If system time must be changed, please do following preparations first ......... 81
Appendix 2.4.10 How to use REPAIRDB to repair SuperDVR database ................................. 81
Appendix 2.4.11 How to set power options of Microsoft VISTA system ................................... 81
Quick Start for Using ................................................................ 82
Appendix 3.1 Requirements .............................................................................. 82
Appendix 3.2 Installation Instructions ................................................................ 82
Appendix 3.3 Troubleshooting ........................................................................... 83
Appendix3.3.1 When opening the SuperDVR program, it says ‘ Can’t find card ’. ................... 83
Appendix 3.3.2 How to setup the web client to monitor from Internet ...................................... 83
Function Tree ............................................................................. 85
Appendix 4.1 SuperDVR Function Tree ............................................................ 85
Appendix 4.2 System Configuration Tree .......................................................... 86
Appendix 4.3 IE Client Function Tree ................................................................ 87
Appendix 4.4 Remote Playback Function Tree .................................................. 88