Akagi: Step by Step
Bow elevator
25 mm
Once the pulleys have dried
in place, glue the threads in
position along the center of
each channel, to end about
2 mm under the top edge of
the elevator wall. Then glue
another pulley at the top of
each channel, covering the
ends of the threads.
Holding the thread with one hand, place another pulley at the
base of the elevator in between the lengths of wood. Try to
position the thread in the sunken central area of the pulley and
glue it into place. Repeat for the rest of the threads.
Cut the loose lengths of thread from the tops of the weights so
they are no more than 3 mm above the top of the elevator walls,
then tuck the ends down behind the pulleys, and glue.
Glue a 40 mm length of thread 1 mm deep into each of the end
channels. Glue the other end to the thread in the channel, about
10 mm down from the pulley.
Test-fit the second motor assembly as shown, trying to position
the cylindrical projection into the hole of the motor assembly that
you fitted in Step 16. If it does not fit, do not force it, just glue it
into place.
Place some tape over the channels of the elevator at 25 mm below
the top edge. Glue four weights into the four middle channels,
resting at that height.