Show (Voice) Status (SS)
Voice Status
FXS interface enabled
FXS is on-hook
E&M input is on-hook
E&M output is on-hook
Activity(Counts)/Zero (AC/Z)
Activity Counts
Network TX out = 0
Network RX in = 0
RX Errors = 0
Data TX in = 0
TX Errors = 0
Overflow = 0
Data RX out = 0
Voice TX in = 0
Voice RX out = 0
Underflow = 0
Remote connects = 0
Local E&M off-hook count = 0
Remote E&M off-hook count = 0
Counts were cleared 0 days, 0 hrs, 41 mins, 43 secs ago.
NOTE: Use Z command to Zero activity counters.
The Network TX out and RX in counts show the number of network blocks sent to the network and
received from the network. RX Errors shows the number of network blocks received with a checksum
error. If a block format error of some sort occurs before the checksum calculation, the block is discarded
The Data TX in and RX out counts show the number of characters received from the DTE and sent to the
DTE. TX Errors shows the number of TX characters with a framing error or overrun error. Framing errors
may occur when the data port is set to the wrong serial data rate.
The Overflow count shows the number of times the serial input buffer has overflowed. Generally, overflow
errors mean that the port is not set for the proper flow control or the DTE does not use flow control. When
the buffer overflows, all buffered data is discarded.
Voice TX in and RX out shows the number of voice packets sent and received from the network.