Other Features
Multiplexed data port
The AVA-E contains an additional asynchronous interface that is multiplexed along with the voice to
corresponding remote AVA units. This is sometimes used for remote transmitter control, cascading an
additional AVA unit, or remote control of a computer or controller.
Flexible Configuration Options
While the AVA-E is normally configured using a web browser, it may also be configured with a local
terminal (or PC with terminal emulation) using either of two serial connection methods.
A limited set of
configuration items may also be accessed with a telnet client.
Voice Interfaces
The AVA-E is available with FXS/ FXO, 4-wire E&M or only push-to-talk (PTT) audio interfaces. PTT is
included with the FXS/FXO and E&M units. The interface is specified at the time the unit is ordered. The
PTT audio interface is supplied with a microphone and speaker for PTT only orders, and as an add-on item
for FXS/FXO and E&M units. The speaker circuit contains a .25 watt amplifier for local PA applications.
Voice Quality
The AVA-E provides exceptional compressed voice quality at speeds ranging from 2400 to 9600 bps. The
compressed voice is based on the same chip set used for Project 25 (P25) radio interoperability. This is a
voice chip set that has a very long market life, which translates to a long market life for the AVA-E. AVA-
E voice choices also include 64K PCM. The choice of PCM makes the AVA-E suitable for applications
that require tone control, such as links to radio transmitters.
Security Features
Configuration access may be locked down to individual IP addresses. User names and passwords may be
required for configuration, and the web server, telnet server, and SNMP server may be disabled for
additional configuration security on the ethernet enabled models.
Extensive audio configuration parameters
In addition to the voice digitization rate, individual settings for each unit include preamp gain, input gain,
output gain, jitter buffer, and E&M signaling.
Rugged, Industrial Quality
With various industrial rated power supply options and industrial temperature rating of -40 to 85 C, AVA-
E is at home in the field or office.