Local Data Port
Local Data Port Configuration Screen
There is a single RS-232 asynchronous port on each AVA-E unit. Data sent to this port of the local AVA-E
will be received at the corresponding port of the remote AVA-E, and vice-versa.
Select the proper data rate. Valid options are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400, and 57,600 bps.
Default is 9600 bps.
Select the desired parity. Valid options are none, even, and odd. Default is NONE.
Flow Control
Select the desired flow control. Valid options are RTS, Xon/Xoff, and NONE. Default is NONE.
Idle Timeout
The Idle Timeout setting delays network transmission until an entire block is received from the
terminal device. This insures data integrity and prevents fragmented blocks. Settings are from 0 to
250 ms. Default is 10ms. If changed from the default, this is normally configured to be 3 or 4
character times at the selected data rate.
DCD to RxD Holdoff
The DCD to RXD Holdoff can be set from 2 to 250ms. This is the time between Port DCD being
asserted and data being sent out the port to the attached device. For example, if you are using a 202T
modem off the data port, you may want to set the RXD holdoff to match the modem RTS/CTS delay
and use the AVA-E DCD signal to drive the modem RTS signal. When set to 0, DCD is forced ON.
RXD to DCD Holdover
If DCD is not forced on, the RXD to DCD Holdover delay may be set to a value between 0 and 250ms.
This will hold port DCD on for the designated time after the port buffer empties. This can help insure
that all data gets to the attached device.
In most installations, default values are adequate if the asynchronous device operates at 9600 bps.