Configure/Show (Async) Port (CP/SP)
Config Port
Port rate: 9600 bps
Parity: NONE (8N1)
Flow control: NONE
Idle Timeout: 10 ms
DCD to RXD on holdoff: 0 ms (DCD FORCED ON)
RXD to DCD off holdover: - ms (
Line only appears for nonzero holdoff values
New Rate? [1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600] >>
New Parity? [NONE EVEN ODD] >>
New Flow Control? [RTS XON NONE] >>
New Idle Timeout? [0 - 250 ms] >>
New DCD to RXD Holdoff? [1 - 250 ms; 0=DCD ON] >>
New RXD to DCD Holdover? [0 - 250 ms] >> (
Line only appears for nonzero holdoff values
Only the first two digits are required to select the rate.
The parity setting is for data using 8 data bits plus parity only. All 7 bit plus parity data should use the
NONE setting, (7,N,1 is not supported).
Flow control options are RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF and NONE.
The Idle Timeout setting delays network transmission until an entire block is received from the terminal
device. This insures data integrity and prevents fragmented blocks. Settings are from 0 to 250 ms.
Default is 10ms.
DCD to RXD Holdoff can be set from 1 to 250ms. This is the time between Port DCD being asserted and
data being sent out the port to the attached device. For example, if you are using a 202T modem off the
data port, you may want to set the RXD holdoff to match the modem RTS/CTS delay and use the AVA-E
DCD signal to drive the modem RTS signal. When set to 0, DCD is forced ON.
If DCD is not forced on, the RXD to DCD Holdover delay may be set to a value between 0 and 250ms.
This will hold port DCD on for the designated time after the port buffer empties. This can help insure that
all data gets to the attached device.
Use the SP command to display the settings without changing.
Configure/Show Voice (CV/SV)
Config Voice
Interface: FXS
Preamp gain: +0 dB
Input gain: -3 dB
Output gain: -3 dB
Voice rate: 3600 bps
Jitter delay: 140 ms