iBoot-PDU User Manual
Page 41
9. Command Line Interface
The Command Line Interface provides complete setup of all function of the iBoot-PDU. Access the CLI either
via the network interface using Telnet, or via the modem or serial port using a terminal emulation program.
Some commands of the CLI require administrative rights. These are indicated in the table below. See section
10.3 on serial port driver installation and setup.
Telnet Setup
Using a telnet client (for example putty.exe ) connect to the IP Address of the iBoot-PDU. Once connected the
iBoot-PDU will request the user name and password. Once these credentials are properly entered, the iBoot-
PDU will indicate ready with the iBoot-PDU> prompt:
Connected to Telnet Session 3
User> admin
Password> *****
CLI Commands Syntax
The CLI uses a standard SET and GET command structure to save and retrieve setup parameters.
The CLI syntax is as follows:
Angle brackets designate required parameters: <required>
Square brackets designate optional parameters: [optional]
Vertical bars for choice of items: <option1 | option2 | option3>
Hyphen indicates a range of numbers <0-99>
Special Characters are the following: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ { ] } \ | ; : , < . > / ?
The space character can be used but the entire name must be in double quotes
“my name”
Commands that are highlighted in gray indicate that they are accessible to all users. All other
commands require administrator credentials
All names are case sensitive