At torque limit
The torque limit set in
parameter 4-16 Torque Limit Motor Mode
parameter 4-17 Torque Limit Gener-
ator Mode
has been exceeded.
Out of current
The motor current is outside the range set in
parameter 4-18 Current Limit
Below current, low
The motor current is lower than set in
parameter 4-50 Warning Curent Low
Above current, high
The motor current is higher than set in
parameter 4-51 Warning Current High
Out of speed range
The output frequency is outside the frequency range set in
parameter 4-52 Warning Speed Low
parameter 4-53 Warning Speed High
Below speed, low
Output speed is lower than the setting in
parameter 4-52 Warning Speed Low
Above speed, high
The output speed is higher than the setting in
parameter 4-53 Warning Speed High
Out of feedb. range
Feedback is below the limit set in
parameter 4-56 Warning Feedback Low
parameter 4-57 Warning
Feedback High
Below feedback,
Feedback is below the limit set in
parameter 4-56 Warning Feedback Low
Above feedback,
Feedback is above the limit set in
parameter 4-57 Warning Feedback High
Thermal warning
The thermal warning turns on when the temperature exceeds the limit in the motor, the drive, the
brake resistor, or the thermistor.
Ready, no thermal
The drive is ready for operation, and there is no overtemperature warning.
Remote, ready, no
The drive is ready for operation and is in auto-on mode. There is no overtemperature warning.
Ready, voltage OK
The drive is ready for operation and the mains voltage is within the specified voltage range.
The motor runs (or is ready to run) clockwise when logic = 0 and runs counterclockwise when ogic =
1. The output changes when the reversing signal is applied.
Bus OK
Active communication (no timenout) via the serial communication port.
Torque limit & stop
Used for coast stop and in torque limit conditions. If the drive has received a stop signal and is at the
torque limit, the signal is logic 0.
Brake, no brake war
Brake is active, and there are no warnings.
Brake ready, no
Brake is ready for operation and there are no faults.
Brake fault (IGBT)
Output is logic 1 when the brake IGBT is short-circuited. Use this function to protect the drive if
there is a fault on the brake modules. To cut out the main voltage from the drive, use the output/
Relay 123
Relay is activated when
[0] Control Word
is selected in
parameter group 8-** Communications and Op-
Mech brake ctrl
Enables control of an external mechanical brake. For more information on mechanical brake control,
refer to the drive-specific design guide.
Safe stop active
Indicates that the Safe Torque Off on terminal 37 is activated.
External interlock
Parameter Setup
Operating Guide | VLT® Extended Relay Card MCB 113
AQ322553864968en-000101 / 130R0353| 33
Danfoss A/S © 2020.01