Shad-o-Scan User Manual, Rev04
Shad-o-Scan 3001/4501 X-Ray Detector
Teledyne DALSA
Subtract the average of at least 32 dark images, without X-ray exposure,
using the same integration time (or frame rate) as used for capturing the X-
ray images above.
Determine the mean value of the image, in the region (ROI) where the signal
value (X-ray exposure) is highest.
For each pixel, divide this mean ROI value by the (averaged) X-ray exposed
pixel value at that position (as floating point).
Multiply the pixel values by 4096 (212), the Unity Gain Factor.
Store the resulting pixel values (as 16-bit integer values) as the new Gain
map, preceded by the appropriate file header information.
Up- , downloading and deleting
The File Access Control dialog box enables up- and downloading of dark/gain map
FFC_map0 till FFC_Map11 are the storage locations for Dark- and Gain Maps.
The Factory maps are stored in a fixed order. The file type per map is mentioned in
the Description.
The Customer dark- and gain maps however can be stored in a random order.