Shad-o-Scan User Manual, Rev04
Shad-o-Scan 3001/4501 X-Ray Detector
Teledyne DALSA
Camera Configuration Selection Dialog
CamExpert provides a dialog box which combines the features to select the detector
power-up state and for the user to save or load a detector state from memory.
Camera (Detector) Power-up Configuration
The first drop list selects the detector configuration state to load on power-up (see
feature UserSetDefaultSelector). The user chooses from one factory data set or one of
two possible user saved states.
User Set Configuration
The second drop list allows the user to change the detector configuration anytime
after a power-up (see feature UserSetSelector). To reset the detector to the factory
configuration, select Factory Setting and click Load. To save a current detector
configuration, select User Set 1 or 2 and click Save. Select a saved user set and click
Load to restore a saved configuration.
Note: A firmware reboot (power cycling) may be required after resetting the user set
configuration to the Factory Setting.