Shad-o-Scan User Manual, Rev04
Shad-o-Scan 3001/4501 X-Ray Detector
Teledyne DALSA
Maximum voltage applied to the Trigger output should not exceed 30V. Do not apply a
voltage with reversed polarity.
Depending of the connection the trigger output can be active high or active low.
Trigger out is active means that the detector is integrating.
Trigger out active low:
When “
r collector connection”
is used:
“Trigger Output Collector” is pulled up with a resistor
(range 100 Ohm to 1k Ohm) to
VCC (positive supply voltage) and “Trigger Output Emitter” is connected to ground
Then “Trigger
ut” is active low (= integration state o
f detector).
“optocoupler emitter connection”
is used:
“Trigger Output Collector” is connected to VCC
(positive supply voltage) and
Trigger Output Emitter” is pulled down with a resistor (range 100 Ohm to 1k Ohm) to
Then “Trigger
ut” is ac
tive high (= integration state of detector).
In this document the state of “Trigger
Out” is “active” (integrating) or “not
(reading/reset of pixels).