IM 1119-1
Figure 3: Adhesive tape used to secure the RCN box
It is recommended that the terminal block on the RCN control
module be removed when making terminal connections, to avoid
excessive handling of the static sensitive RCN control module.
5 .
Remove the green terminal block from the RCN control
module, by pulling up & away from the control module.
Figure 4: Remove terminal block from RCN control module
6 .
Wire all appropriate terminals on the removed Remote Control
Node terminal block (RCN), using appropriate lengths of field-
supplied low voltage wiring. Make sure to follow all national
and local code requirements when routing low voltage control
7 .
Feed the stripped leads of the thermostat low-voltage wires
through the bushing of the RCN housing, to connect to the
unit control board or terminal strip/block.
Figure 5: Feed stripped wire leads through bushing on the
RCN housing