The pressurization system will not operate normally if the BLEED switch is set to
Cabin Altitude Management
During all phases of flight, the cabin altitude is automatically computed by the
Cabin Air Controller using flight parameters (such as airplane altitude, altitude rate
of change) provided by the avionics.
During climb, the cabin altitude will start increasing shortly after takeoff.
During descent, the Cabin Air Controller uses the Landing Field Elevation (LFE) to
manage the optimal cabin altitude rate of change so that the airplane lands with a
cabin altitude equal to LFE. To ensure a perfect accordance between the airplane
altitude and the cabin altitude at landing, the Cabin Air Controller will manage the
cabin altitude to reach the Landing Field Elevation from 1,500 ft AGL to landing.
The pilot selects LFE on the touchscreen controller:
automatically, by setting a destination airport in the flight plan,
manually, by pressing ”MFD Home,” ”Aircraft Systems,” ”Pressu,” then
selecting the ”Manual” LFE mode and setting the LFE value.
System Monitoring
The pilot monitors the pressurization system through information displayed on the
landing field altitude in ft,
cabin altitude in ft,
cabin climb speed in ft/min,
cabin differential pressure in psi.
These indications are independent of the ECS controls and internal sensors.
Section 7
Pilot's Information Manual
PIM TBM 960 - Edition 0
Rev. 02
Page 7.10.7