ILS glideslope on approach. This guidance is displayed on the PFD in the same
location as the ILS glideslope using a magenta diamond. In all cases where LNAV
+V is indicated by the system during an approach, LNAV minima shall be used.
Use of the Garmin GPS/SBAS receivers to provide navigation guidance during the
final approach segment of an ILS, LOC, LOC-BC, LDA, SDF, MLS or any other
type of approach not approved for “or GPS” navigation is prohibited.
When using VOR/LOC/GS receivers to fly the final approach segment,
VOR/LOC/GS navigation data must be selected and presented on the CDI of the
pilot flying.
Use of Baro-VNAV to a DA is not authorized with a remote altimeter setting. A
current altimeter setting for the landing airport is required. When using remote
altimeter minima, the Baro-VNAV function may be used to the published
Procedures with RF Legs (Radius to Fix Legs)
At the minimum, the flight director must be displayed and utilized when conducting
procedures containing RF Legs.
Advisory visual approaches
Use of advisory visual approaches in IMC is prohibited.
Advisory visual approaches are intended to be used as an aid to
situational awareness and do not guarantee terrain or obstruction
clearance along the approach path.
Icing Conditions
Except for certain phases of flight where the POH specifies that deicing boots
should not be used (e.g. takeoff, final approach, and landing), compliance with the
following is required.
Wing and tail leading edge pneumatic deicing boot system must be activated:
At the first sign of ice formation anywhere on the aircraft, and
The system must either be continued to be operated in the automatic cycling
mode, if available; or the system must be manually cycled as needed to
minimize the ice accretions on the airframe.
The wing and tail leading edge pneumatic deicing boot system may be deactivated
only after leaving icing conditions and after the airplane is determined to be clear
of ice.
Pilot's Information Manual
Section 2
PIM TBM 960 - Edition 0
Rev. 00
Page 2.6.8