CY8CKIT-030 PSoC® 3 Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-61038 Rev. *J
Code Examples
Project Description
This example code uses a pulse-width modulator (PWM) to illuminate an LED. When the pulse width
of the PWM varies, the LED brightness changes. By continuously varying the pulse width of the
PWM, the example code makes an LED go from low brightness to a high brightness and back.
Hardware Connections
No hardware connections are required for this project, because all the connections are hard-wired to
specific pins on the board.
Verify Output
When the example code is built and programmed into the device, reset the device by pressing the
button or power cycling the board.
The project output is LED3 glowing with a brightness control that changes with time (see
Figure 5-4
If the CY8CKIT-030 is programmed with any other code example involving LCD display before
programming the
file, the LCD continues to display the output of the previous
project because the LCD component is not used in the IntensityLED project. The LCD display is
cleared by power cycling the board.
Figure 5-4. Verify Output - Code Example
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