CY8CKIT-030 PSoC® 3 Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-61038 Rev. *J
Figure 4-13. Prototyping Area
This area also comprises of a potentiometer to be used for analog system development work. The
potentiometer connects from Vdda, which is a noise-free supply and is hence capable of being used
for low-noise analog applications. The potentiometer output is available on P6[5] and VR on header
P6 in the prototyping area.
Character LCD
The kit has a character LCD module, which goes into the character LCD header, P8. The LCD runs
on a 3.3-V supply and can function regardless of the voltage on which PSoC is powered. A 0-
resistor setting is available on the LCD section (R71/72), making it possible to convert it to a 3.3-V
When the resistor is shifted to support a 5-V LCD module, plugging in a 3.3-V LCD mod-
ule into the board can damage the LCD module.
Figure 4-14. Pin 1 Indication
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