Assembly of the insulation around the base�
The insulation pieces are hooked into the store base plate.
First hook in two insulation pieces on the end module op-
posing each other with half the section protruding beyond
the store.
Assembly of insulation jacket shell
The shell locks in to the base part (1), then folds upwards
Carefully knock the insulation shells tightly together
from both sides by tapping the surfaces by hand.
: The insulation jacket is pressure sensitive! The as-
sembly of the insulation jacket should only be carried out after
completion of all work in the immediate vicinity.
Preparation of convection control
The insulation jacket is first fitted with a foam strip convec-
tion brake:
The enclosed double-sided adhesive tape (1) is stuck to the
top of only one of two insulation shells.
After removing the protective film from the double-sided
tape the convection brake (foam strip) is also stuck on the
insulation jacket. This must be done on the insulation shells
all the way along the store.
Optional: version with vacuum panels
The vacuum panels are pushed into the slots of each insu-
la-tion shell. Be careful when handling the panels.
The vacuum panels must not protrude! (1)
T D M A - VA R I C A L :
Assembly instructions