1 Introduction
1�1 General
This manual applies to the modular buffer store and is
part of the scope of supply. The manual covers installation,
operation and maintenance. This manual is intended for
professional installers who are authorized for the respective
areas of responsibility. They must possess the necessary
expertise and be informed about the relevant accident
prevention measures.
Read this manual with safety information and instructions
for the installation and commissioning carefully before
installation. Prevent damage to your system caused by im-
proper handling. Non-observance of the safety instructions
can lead to danger, damage to property and environmental
damage. The indicated instructions and recommendations
do not claim to be exhaustive. All relevant guidelines,
standards and regulations for assembly and operation of a
heating system are to be heeded. Our terms and conditions
in its currently valid version apply.
1�2 Intended use
The store can be used in existing or newly built heating
systems. They are intended exclusively for the heating and
storage of heating water. The improper use, not taking
into account of the provisions of this manual as well as
unacceptable changes in installation practice, process or
the construction lead to the exclusion of any liability and
warranty claims.
1�3 Security
The general safety and warning notes are an integral part
of this manual and have fundamental importance for the
use of the product.
This sign warns of property
and personal injury.
Risk of burns and scalding!
In the store temperatures > 60 °C
can occur, therefore there is a risk of
burns and scalding by the
connectors or the components.
=> Do not touch hot parts
The stores are built to the state of the art and according to
all recognised safety standards. Nevertheless, dangers to
life and limb of the user or third parties or damage of the
product and other material assets deriving from the use.
Operate the store only in technically perfect condition.
In case of safety-related dysfunction the product must be
stopped immediately and be fixed by a specialist.
1�4 With applicable documents
Follow the planning and operating instructions of all system
components, such as fresh water station.
1�5 Installation instructions
The assembly of the product may only be by trained
engineers. In addition to specific provincial and municipal
regulations and guidelines note also the following standards
for the installation.
• EN 806 Specifications for installations inside buildings
conveying water for human consumption
• DIN 1988 Codes of practice for drinking water installa-
• EN 1717 Protection against pollution of potable water
installations and general requirements of devices to
prevent pollution by backflow
• DIN 4708 Central heat-water-installations
• DIN 4753 Water heaters, water heating installations and
storage water heaters for drinking water; Requirements,
marking, equipment and testing
• DIN 18380 German construction contract procedures
(VOB) – Part C: General technical specifications in con-
struction contracts (ATV) – Installation of central heating
systems and hot water supply systems
• DIN 18381 VOB – Part C: ATV – Installation of gas,
water and drainage pipework inside buildings
• EN 12828 Heating systems in buildings – Design for
water-based heating systems
• EN 12897 Water supply – Specification for indirectly
heated unvented (closed) storage water heaters
• EN 12975 Thermal solar systems and components
• IEC 60364-5-54:2011 Low-voltage electrical installa-
tions – Part 5-54: Selection and erection of electrical
equipment – Earthing arrangements and protective
• VDI 2035 [german guideline for the prevention of dam-
age in water heating installations]
• DVGW Standards and worksheets: requirements and
testing for drinking water heating systems, especially
DVGW W 551 Drinking water heating and drinking
water piping systems
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