EasyScopeIII for DS60M10 User Guide
Version 1.3
Document Reference No.: CP_000037 Clearance No.: CP#027
Copyright © Connective Peripherals Pte Ltd
Zero padding will allow the use of the standard 1K buffer or zero padded 2K, 4K, 8K or 16K data sets.
Increasing the zero padding has the effect of stretching the frequency axis which will allow more accurate
measurement with the cursors.
File Menu
The File menu allows access to the two features described below –
Save As
This allows the FFT screen to be saved as a Windows Bitmap (.bmp) file. When selected, a Save As dialog
box appears and prompts the user for a filename.
The print option allows the user to send the FFT screen directly to an installed printer.
FFT Window Menu
The FFT screen display can be changed to use a number of different windowing algorithms. The available
windows are displayed when the FFT Window menu is selected as shown in the figure below.
The default window is Rectangle.
Rectangle window function replaces all but N values of a data sequence by zeroes to appear as though
the waveform suddenly turns on and off.
Similar to Triangular function but Bartlett window always ends with zeroes at sample 1 and n.
The periodic Blackman window is constructed by extending the desired window length by one sample
to N+1, constructing a symmetric window, and removing the last sample. The periodic version is the
preferred method when using a Blackman window in spectral analysis because the discrete Fourier
transform assumes periodic extension of the input vector.