SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide
Writer: Pamela King Project: SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide Comments: 295469-002
File Name: D-CH03.DOC Last Saved On: 2/27/98 11:26 AM
The latest version of firmware for the SMART-2DH Controller firmware has
already been installed. If you have older SMART-2DH Controllers or other
Compaq options, such as drives, create the Option ROMPaq diskettes and
check that the firmware on these options is at the latest revision.
To run Option ROMPaq:
1. Place the Option ROMPaq diskette 1 in the server floppy drive.
2. Boot the server by turning on the power.
3. Press
Enter at the Welcome screen.
4. At the Select A Device screen, select:
ALL COMPAQ SMART-2DH Controller(s)
from the list of programmable devices. Press Enter.
5. If the ROM firmware in the SMART-2DH Controller is the same or
newer than that on the Option ROMPaq diskette, you will get the
The ROM image files found for the device selected
are not newer than the current ROM image
Press Enter to go to step 9.
If the ROM firmware in the SMART-2DH Controller is older than that
on the Option ROMPaq diskette, you will get the Select An Image
Device to reprogram:
ALL COMPAQ SMART-2DH Controller(s)
Current ROM revision:
COMPAQ SMART-2DH Controller x.xx
Select Firmware Images:
COMPAQ SMART-2DH Controller y.yy
Press Enter.