SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide
Writer: Pamela King Project: SMART-2DH Array Controller Reference Guide Comments: 295469-002
File Name: G-CH06.DOC Last Saved On: 2/27/98 12:01 PM
The instructions in this section may be used to install the initial driver for a
new SMART-2DH Controller installation or to upgrade the driver in an
existing OS/2 server/SMART-2DH Controller system. If you use SmartStart to
install OS/2 and drivers on a new server you do not need to create the OS/2
SSD diskette and you can skip this section.
Materials Needed
You will need the following items to manually install the SMART-2DH
Controller OS/2 driver on your server:
Compaq SmartStart and Support Software CD (supplied in the SMART-
2DH Controller Option Kit)
One blank diskette
Access to a server or workstation with a bootable CD-ROM drive. This
may be the system in which you are installing the SMART-2DH Controller.
Creating an SSD Diskette
The OS/2 driver for the SMART-2DH Controller is located on the Compaq
SmartStart and Support Software CD that was supplied in the SMART-2DH
Array Controller Option Kit. To gain access to the driver you will first need to
create the OS/2 SSD diskette. This diskette contains the latest operating
system software, drivers, and supporting documentation for all Compaq
equipment supported by OS/2. To create this diskette:
1. Boot the server from the Compaq SmartStart and Support Software
2. From the Compaq System Utilities screen, select Create Support Software.
3. From the Diskette Builder screen , select Create Support Software
Diskettes from CD only.
4. Scroll down the list and select Compaq OS/2 2.x Support Software.
5. Follow the instructions on the screen to create the OS/2 SSD diskette.