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13.5.3. Indexing terminal Insertion loss
Optical Performance
Splitter Configurations 1x4
Max Loss*:
7.2 dB
10.2 dB
Typical Loss*:
6.6 dB
9.7 dB
0.8 dB
1.0 dB
Return Loss:
≥55 dB
≥55 dB
≥60 dB
≥60 dB
0.2 dB
0.2 dB
Wavelength Range:
1260-1635 nm 1260-1635 nm
* Includes PDL and WDL. Does not include connector loss
Insertion Loss: < 0.4 dB Cable
Attenuation: 1310 nm = 0.40 dB/km max
1550 nm = 0.30 dB/km max
Compliance: Meets GR-771 generic requirements for
Fiber Splice Closures
13.3.2. Loss expectations
Insertion loss and ORL values are recorded and included
with each indexing terminal. Refer to these for “chain”
performance expectation.
13.3.3. Cleaning
Refer to section 14.1 HMFOC cleaning
13.4. Restoral
13.4.1. Spare parts
Areas deploying fiber indexing terminals should consider
stocking a couple spare terminals for tear downs and dig-
ups. All four port indexing terminals are interchangeable
so stock a length that will cover your needs. Likewise, all
eight port indexing terminals are interchangeable. Index
only terminals are fiber specific but interchangeable in
relation to fiber count. As an example, if you have a 2f
indexing terminal it will interchange with all 2f terminals.
13.4.2. Splicing
Indexing terminals use 12f stranded flat drop. No special
splicing requirements. Suggest using GATOR splice
closure, FDSC-GATOR-12F-T.
13.5. Appendix
13.5.1. HMFOC Fiber map
ABS (n-13)= position of first reverse fiber in HMFOC
n=terminal position in the chain
13.5.2. Loss Table - MONTE-CARLO