3. Getting Familiar with Printer Manager Interface
The User Interface of the Printer Manager software is shown as below:
Fig 5: Displaying the User Interface of the Printer Manager
The description of the Printer Manager window is given as below:
Window Control
: Use to minimize, resize or close the Printer Manager window.
Main Menu
: Consist of several sub menu options viz. Settings, Tools, and also provide variety
of functions in well organize manner.
Quick Access Toolbar
: Display frequently performed actions like Add Job, Delete Job, Print
Job, Pause or resume, Abort job, Check nozzle, Move left, Move right, Move forward, Move
backward, Z Move Down, Z Move Up, Move carriage to origin, Move carriage to origin Y, Move
carriage to origin Z, Measure Paper Width, Edit job and Roll or Flat, are available as buttons
on the Quick access toolbar.
Job Information
: Display the properties of the selected job like File Name and Path, Status,
Print Size, Print Area, DPI, Pass, and more.
Job Preview
: Show the job preview as well as print progress in this area.
Job List:
Displays the thumbnail preview of added jobs.
Error message:
Displays the system generated error messages.
System Status
Print Parameters
Job Information
Quick Access Toolbar
Window Controls
Job List
Error Information
Main Menu
Job Preview