User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 94
Support: +49 (0)2831/91021-50
O t h e r m a t e r i a l
If the workpieces do not have to be completely milled out of plate material, but you have to (re)
process blocks, cylinders, castings or pre-machined workpieces, they are usually clamped in a vise
or held on the machine table with clamps. If not, the entire surface is machined, the workpieces
must be aligned exactly. You therefore need not only measure the Z-height, but also the position of
the workpiece in the X and Y direction
Position of the w or kpiece
In the simplest case, this can be done again by "scratching" the surface with the tool itself. To do
this, drive sideways to one edge of the workpiece until the tool just touches the edge. Now the axis
of the milling cutter is half a diameter from the surface. For example, if you drove to the edge in the
X-direction, and the tool diameter is 6mm, then the cutter center is 3mm from the edge.
Double-click on the X-coordinate display and enter "-3". Of course, the same procedure is
necessary once again for the Y and Z coordinates.
The measuring process can be automated if you have a 3D probe. In contrast to the height sensor,
the 3D button also reacts when actuated from the side and is inserted into
the tool spindle. The macro "corner finder" can be used for the lateral probing of the workpiece
3 D-probe
The 3D probe is also suitable for measuring bores as a reference point.
The tip of the 3D button must be placed within the hole. The "Center
Finder" macro probes the wall of the hole in several places and
determines the position of the hole center. After execution of the macro,
the measuring tip is exactly in the center. The X and Y coordinates can
then be set to either zero or (by double-clicking) on the known
coordinates of the reference point.