User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
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Import filter
The standard version of the software contains 2 import filters. One is the HPGL import filter for
importing HPGL or plot files and the other is the DXF import filter for importing the popular and
popular DXF graphics format.
D X F - I m p o r t f i l t e r
Short description:
The DXF import filter is used to convert drawing data that exists in dxf format to DIN-G code for
the KinetiC-NC software. The import filter reads files in DXF ASCII format.
The following elements from DXF files are read and taken into account:
Layer (layer names are displayed)
Line (lines with 2 vectors in 2D or 3D)
Circle (circle with center vector in 2D or 3D and radius)
Arc (angle)
Polyline (as open or closed line)
Vertex (2D or 3D, points for polyline)
Point (2D or 3D)
What is i mported?
Not supported are B-splines (Bezier lines), also no 3D-solid data. However, all supported elements
are also supported in 3D, ie with z-values.
If the elements Point or Polyline (with only one vertex) are included, they are interpreted as drilling
Line, Polyline, and Arc are grouped into segments if they have common start / end points. The
tolerance of catching these points can be set by software and is by default at 0.001mm.
The milling direc tion
The direction of the individual elements is adjusted and possibly changed. The milling direction of
a single segment therefore depends on the direction in which the first element found was drawn. It
is also possible to delete individual segments or specify individual Z-depths, laser power or feed
rates for individual segments.