User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 111
Support: +49 (0)2831/91021-50
E r r o r m e s s a g e s
In manual mode, the machine functions flawlessly, ie in Setup-mode all axes can be moved, the
spindle can be switched on and off etc. When starting a program, however, you will receive an error
message in the Message window.
The most common causes are:
“Out-of-range number":
The tool path is too large for the machining area of the machine,
or the Workpiece zero point is in the wrong place, leaving parts of the tool path out of the
"% Character missing at the beginning of the program
" or
"unexpected character"
"unknown command"
: The program was created with a post processor for other control
software (e.g., Mach3 or the like). Although the G-code is standardized in principle and is
largely the same for all control types, not all controllers understand all commands. If you
use your own CAM software that was not supplied with the machine, check our website to
see if there is already a ready-made Post-processor for KinetiC-NC and your CAM software.
Tips for creating or customizing your own post-processor can be found in the Reference
T h e ma c h i n e d o e s n o t r e a c t a s e x p e c t e d
If the machine is working properly in manual mode, means in Setup-mode all axes can be moved,
the spindle switched on and off, etc., but the program does not run the expected tool path, moves
too fast or too slow, or stops at certain points, may be the faulty setting of the CAM software or the
wrong Post-processor has been selected (see above). Since the possibilities here are very diverse
and difficult to predict, it is best to contact the support.
If you do not send an automatic support request it is best to send the program that caused the
problem and your parameter settings, and describe the problem as accurately as possible, otherwise
it will be difficult to quickly analyse the cause.
S e c u r i t y d o o r
If your machine is equipped with a housing, the safety door
function prevents the machine from being moved as long as the
door is open and allows the user to reach into the hazardous
area of the machine. Starting programs and switching on the
spindle motor or other outputs is only possible with the door closed. As long as the door is open, the
triangular warning symbol with the door open will be displayed in the status field.