User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 116
Support: +49 (0)2831/91021-50
Here are the settings that are used both as default values for changing the individual values of a
layer and the Global values if no individual values are set. A distinction is made between milling
data and drilling data (only available if at least one layer contains drilling data in the file).
Setti ngs for milling
Value, how deep into the material to be milled / drilled.
Spindle speed
Value for the speed of the milling spindle
XY feed
Value for the G1 feed in mm / min
The tool to use from the tool list
G1 feed to be used for immersion in the material.
Setti ngs for drilling
These data can be set separately from the milling data.
G81 / G82 / G83 / no cycle:
Here you choose whether a drilling cycle should be used. If no cycle is selected, code will be
generated that behaves as if G81 was selected.
Borehole depth in mm
Retreat R:
Retraction plane to which the drill is retracted before drilling or re-immersing a new hole.
Pause time to stay at the bottom (G82)
swarf removal:
Depth to be delivered (G83)