User Manual
CNC-STEP GmbH & Co. KG ▪ Siemensstrasse 13-15 ▪ 47608 Geldern ▪ Germany
Page 101
Support: +49 (0)2831/91021-50
G40/G43 Mode
When working with several tools, it is important that
the tool length compensation is switched on. Only then
is the length of the current tool taken into account and
added to the programmed Z value. In particular, the
length compensation must also be active while you
measure and set the workpiece offset (either with the
height key or with the "scratch method"). Therefore,
before setting up the workpiece offset, make sure that
"G43" appears next to the offset by pressing the button.
M a n u a l c h a n g e w i t h t o o l h o l d e r s
The tool change can be somewhat more rational if the machine has a change system with tool
holders and pneumatic or hydraulic clamping. Some machines also have a threaded pull stud that
needs to be tightened with a wrench by hand. Each tool is first inserted in a tool holder (usually SK
= steep taper, HSK = hollow taper or other systems). During the actual tool change, the pictures are
then loaded into the tool spindle. The tool remains in "its" receptacle as long as it is not worn or
This has the advantage that the length measurement must be performed only after the insertion of a
new tool in the recording. This can be done either automatically as described above with a length
sensor or manually with an extra length measuring device (in the simplest case with a calliper)
outside the machine. The determined length is entered in the tool list and is then only looked up
there during the actual tool change.
How is measured?
The absolute length of the tools is actually irrelevant, only the differences between the tools are
considered. For example, with all tools, it is possible to measure the distance of the tip to a specific
reference plane, for example the stop plane of the HSK cone. The important thing is that each time
exactly the same reference plane is taken. The front of the collet nut is therefore unsuitable because
its exact position depends on the tightening torque.