Project: CL-10088-SM-REV-C
Client: Clenergy Australia
Engineering Certificate
Note 25
Roof pitch to be between 1° and 30°.
Note 26
Note 27
Note 28
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
If the installation is located in ISO corrosivity category C4 reduce the interface spacing by 5%.
If the installation is located in ISO corrosivity category C5 reduce the interface spacing by
h/d < 0.5 and h/b < 0.5. Being h= height, b= width and d= length of the building as
per the below picture.
Gap between the underside of the panel and the roof to be no less than 50mm and
no more than 300mm.
value on Step 2, equates to
Choose the
value between "h", "b x 0.2" and "d x 0.2".
Determine building height (h), width (b) and length (d).
Minimum distance from the edge of the roof to be "2s" where "s" is the gap between the
underside of the panel and the roof.
Roof Zone definition for flush mounted systems installed on flat and pitched roofs when any of
the conditions listed on Note 25 are not met.
Conditions for flush mounted systems installed on flat and pitched roofs according to the D6
Appendix of the AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 (R2016).
Final Copy