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will excite the transponder, which is located (but not visible) in the head of the ignition key. The key transpon-
der will then send a unique code back to the transceiver for evaluation. If the code matches a valid code of the
system, the vehicle will be allowed to start. Most of these transponder-based systems can be bypassed using
Some may require additional parts from the vehicle manufacturer. Consult you dealer for the applications.
For most Ford PATS transponders,
p/n 555F
can be used, except for the following vehicles, which will require
: ‘97 and newer Mark VII, and 2000 and newer Taurus/Sable, Contour/Mystique and Focus.
optional anti-grind relay
The anti-grind relay prevents the starter from engaging if the ignition key is accidentally turned to the start posi-
tion during remote engine start operation.