Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Universal Gateway Software Configuration Guide
OL-3418-02 B0
Two 8 T1/PRI ISDN with RADIUS (AAA) and Resource Pooling
ip ftp source-interface FastEthernet0/0
ip ftp username hanif
ip ftp password password
no ip domain-lookup
ip host greenbug
ip host jurai
mgcp package-capability trunk-package
mgcp default-package trunk-package
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
isdn voice-call-failure 0
cns event-service server
mta receive maximum-recipients 0
controller T1 2/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/2
framing esf
linecode b8zs
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/3
framing esf
linecode b8zs
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/4
framing esf
linecode b8zs
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/5
framing esf
linecode b8zs
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/6
framing esf
linecode b8zs
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2/7
framing esf
linecode b8zs
cablelength short 133
pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 5/0