CDP Commands
cdp timer
Cisco 220 Series Smart Plus Switches Command Line Interface Reference Guide Release 1.0.0.x
no cdp run
Default Configuration
CDP is enabled by default.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
CDP is a link-layer protocol for directly connected CDP devices to advertise
themselves and their capabilities. In deployments where the CDP-capable
devices are not directly connected and are separated with the CDP-incapable
devices, the CDP-capable devices may be able to receive the advertisement from
other device(s) only if the CDP-incapable devices flood the CDP packets that they
receive. If the CDP-incapable devices perform VLAN-aware flooding, then the
CDP-capable devices can hear each other only if they are in the same VLAN. It
should be noted that a CDP-capable device may receive the advertisement from
more than one device if the CDP-incapable devices flood the CDP packets.
To learn and advertise CDP information, CDP must be globally enabled and also
enabled on the interfaces. By default, CDP is enabled globally and enabled on all
cdp run
cdp timer
To specify how often CDP packets are transmitted, use the cdp timer Global
Configuration mode command.
cdp timer