SNMP Commands
show snmp-server user
Cisco 220 Series Smart Plus Switches Command Line Interface Reference Guide Release 1.0.0.x
Access SecLevel: auth
Total Entries: 1
The following table describes the significant fields shown in the example:
Name of the SNMP user.
MD5 or SHA password or key to authenticate the
SNMP user.
Access GroupName
SNMP group to which the SNMP user belongs.
Authentication method. The options are:
none—No user authentication is used.
md5—Use the MD5 protocol to authenticate the
SNMP user.
sha—Use the SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm)
protocol to authenticate the SNMP user.
Encryption Protocol
Encryption protocol to encrypt the authentication
Access SecLevel
Security level attached to the group. The available
options are:
noauth—(No Authentication and No Privacy)
Neither the Authentication nor the Privacy
security levels are assigned to the group.
auth—(Authentication and No Privacy)
Authenticates SNMP messages, and ensures
that the SNMP message origin is authenticated
but does not encrypt them, meaning that they
can be intercepted and read.
priv—(Authentication and Privacy)
Authenticates SNMP messages, and encrypts
SNMP messages if the SNMP message origins
are authenticated.