Configuration and Image File Commands
management vlan ipv6 dhcp client stateless
Cisco 220 Series Smart Plus Switches Command Line Interface Reference Guide Release 1.0.0.x
Default Configuration
The default refresh time is 86400 seconds.
The default minimum refresh time is 86400 seconds.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
If the DHCPv6 server has an Information Refresh Time option in reply message, the
switch useS the refresh time defined by the DHCPv6 server, otherwise, the refresh
time defined in this command is used.
However, if the refresh time defined by the DHCPv6 server is smaller than the
minimum refresh time defined in this command, the switch uses the minimum
refresh time defined in this command.
The following example configures the refresh time and the minimum refresh time
for DHCPv6 stateless client:
management vlan ipv6 dhcp client information refresh
management vlan ipv6 dhcp client information refresh
minimum 115200
management vlan ipv6 dhcp client stateless
To enable the DHCPv6 stateless client, use the management vlan ipv6 dhcp client
stateless Global Configuration mode command. This command will enable the
DHCPv6 stateless client and send the information request to the DHCPv6 server.
To disable the DHCPv6 stateless client, use the no form of this command.
management vlan ipv6 dhcp client stateless
no management vlan ipv6 dhcp client stateless