Circuit Design, Inc.
[15] COM port button
Opens and closes the COM port.
If commands and so on are not sent normally when you click the “Trans.1” and “Trans.2” buttons, click the
port button
[16] COM port Set button
Displays the COM port setup dialogue. Enter the same communication parameters as for the MU-2-R.
[17] Air monitor window button
[18] Sample window button
[19] Control and test window button
[20] Text mode button
Sets the MU-2-R to the text mode.
[21] Command mode button
Sets the MU-2-R to the command mode. Normally you should use this mode.
[22] Binary mode button
Sets the MU-2-R to the binary mode.
[23] Time counter
A time measurement counter. This is stopped with a left mouse click.
2.1.2 Hex-decimal conversion form
Converts hexadecimal numbers to decimals, and vice versa. The numerical values that can be converted are from
0h to FFFFFFFh for hexadecimals, and 0 to 268435455 for decimals. After double clicking the value, enter a
numerical value to make the setting. It is not possible to enter a binary number.
[1] Hexadecimal number input
[2] Decimal number input
[3] Binary display
Shows the setting value as a binary number.