Circuit Design, Inc.
[12] RSSI acquisition method button
Select the RSSI acquisition method for each channel to perform the air monitor function.
Selecting ‘One ch’ acquires the RSSI by channel and display it using the @RA command.
Selecting ‘All ch’ acquires the RSSI of all channels at once and display it using the @RC command.
[13] Clear peak button
Clears the peak hold value.
[14] Display peak value
Checking this displays the peak value within the measurement period.
[15] Test station selector
Source: Measures the source station. Target: Measures the target station.
[16], [17] Scan end channel, scan start channel
By setting the start channel and end channel, you can collect data between any channels.
* Always set the end channel higher than the start channel.
[18] Progress bar
Displays the progress of data acquisition for each channel.
[19] Route setting panel
Sets the routing information to the station to be measured.
[20] Measurement channel axis (horizontal axis)
[21] RSSI absolute level axis (vertical axis)
The axis for RSSI absolute level inducted through the antenna of the measured MU-2-R.
[22] Threshold line
[23] Peak marker
Displays and holds the peak value for each channel during the measurement period.
[24] Analyse line
Clicking the graph displays the channel frequency and RSSI absolute level are displayed at the top of the graph
and as a cursor pop up.
[25] Center line
A line that expresses the center of the graph. This can be hidden with the F7 function key.
[26] Frequency and level of analysed channel
Displays the frequency and RSSI level of the analysed channel.
[27] User memo
[28] Unit name and date