MEAS 2/3
: directly displays the tolerance of the measurement in progress; there
is no need to search for it and calculate it.
From the main measurement, the display:
recalls the specifications (x% L ±n D) according to the type of measurement,
the range selected and the frequency (in AC and AC+DC)
calculates the range in which the true value lies, if the device is within its
SMIN value
minimum specification
SMAX value
maximum specification
: gives access to the secondary measurements.
Choice of secondary functions on display units 2, 3, and 4 by selection using the
navigator, according to the main measurement, and validation by OK.
A long press
on MEAS… is used to exit from this menu.
When a main measurement is chosen, the last secondary functions selected
are reactivated.
Opposite, example of measurements available in V
measurements are activated
the value currently measured is taken as
reference voltage (V ref). The calculation is as follows:
20 log
(V measured / V ref).
The reference voltage (V ref) can be reset by a long press on Meas…
The MATH function is displayed when its parameters allow (see the MATH Function
For dBm measurements and resistive power calculations, refer to the menu for the
adjustment of the associated reference resistances (
) and the
calculation formulas. See SETUP 2/3.
The power calculation
requires a third connection on the A input (connected to
the same circuit), in order to measure simultaneously:
the voltage (main display unit)
the current (display unit 3), measurement always made in AC+DC.
The link to the COM input must be short and of large diameter, in order to limit the
voltage drop, which influences the Volt measurement.