MEAS 1/3
3 levels of advanced measurements are possible
: selects graphic display of the screen for the quantity measured vs time.
The arrows can be used to change the depth of acquisition of the graph, from
1mn28s to 1h13mn20s. A search for the min and max of the main measurement is
made for the duration represented by one pixel horizontally. These two values are used to
trace a vertical segment from the min to the max. The keys can be used to change the
measurement range.
: takes the main measurement in progress as reference. It is transcribed
on the secondary display unit: REF.
The main display continues to indicate the instantaneous measured value, as does
the bargraph.
secondary display indicates the absolute difference between the
instantaneous measured value and the recorded reference.
% secondary display indicates the relative difference in % between the
instantaneous measured value and the recorded reference.
Management of the ranges is "AUTOmatic" or "MANUal" depending on the
configuration when the mode was entered.
% display units are managed in the same range.
In the "
" mode, they cannot fall below the range of the reference when the REL mode
was entered.
E.g.: Measurement of a voltage of VDC with a reference set to x V:
When the mode is active, a long press on key [F1] Init or [F2] Enter Ref opens a window for
setting reference REF
The navigation keys are used to modify the digits.
Reset of REF by a long press on Meas
: monitors the variations of a signal, recording the extremes (MIN, MAX) of
the main measurement and calculating its mean (AVG).
For each quantity stored, the multimeter records the corresponding date and time.
When the SURV mode is entered by Start [F1], the last MIN and MAX
measurements are erased, then initialized with the present measurement; to stop this
mode, press [F2] stop; [F3] to look up.
AVG is the calculated mean of all measurements made since the activation of the SURV
The recorded data can be looked up by pressing Look up key [F3].
In the SURV mode:
management of the MANU or AUTO range management cannot be selected.
the present measurement, the MIN value, and the MAX value are presented in
the ranges best suited to each of them.
The recorded data are accompanied by the date and time, along with the surveillance
Please update your multimeter before starting a SURVeillance campaign
(automatic synchronization).
Reset of the MIN/MAX values by a long press on Meas