15 kV max
15 kV max
3. ProCEdUrE
When they leave the factory, the C.A. 6550 and C.A. 6555 are configured so that they can be used without modifying the parameters.
For most measurements, you simply choose the test voltage and press the START/STOP button.
If you want to modify parameters, most of them can be configured using the CONFIG key, and also in SET-UP.
The SET-UP function allows overall configuration of the instrument independently of which measurement functions are chosen.
The CONFIG key allows configuration of the chosen measurement function before and during a measurement.
A configuration modified in one of these two ways is updated for both (SET-UP or CONFIG key).
Specific leads are supplied with the instrument. To use them, you must add test probes or crocodile clips (also supplied with the
These accessories have guards. For safety reasons, the user’s hands must always be behind the guard.
The positions the hands must not go beyond are indicated below:
When measuring:
a voltage
1000V on mains,
insulation using a test voltage
For an insulation measurement with a test voltage
Measurements of voltages
1000V on mains must be made using the test probes only, with the user’s hands behind the guard
on the lead.
The leads with large clips (automobile battery charger type) proposed as accessories cannot be used for mains voltage
measurements because their jaws are not insulated.