September 1, 2015
Diagnostic Guide
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Reseat All Cables
Always inspect and reseat cable connectors prior to replacing any components.
Inspect for corrosion and bent, broken, pushed, slices or missing pins.
Verify the MDM, GPRS and CAN light Are Lit
MDM LED above the F1 is lit
GPRS LED above the F2 is lit
CAN LED above the F3 is lit
Soft Reset
If the CarrierMate™ is not responding, seems frozen or running slow, a soft reset will
generally resolve this. The reset button is the small hole on the right side panel of the device.
Replace Only Faulty Parts
Typically, only one part is bad. Once the system is operating, you can substitute suspect
parts back into the system to verify which part is bad.
Install Parts Correctly
Refer to the CarrierMate
Installation section
Determine If the Problem Is Intermittent
Bad or loose electrical connections including cable connectors, terminals and
power/ground connections can contribute to intermittent system performance.
Cables that are subject to harsh weather and/or road debris can impact performance.