September 1, 2015
Diagnostic Guide
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Troubleshooting Guidelines
Keep Working CarrierMate
Component Spares in Shop
Spare parts should include:
MDT 5700
Testing power cable w/ ignition switch
AC to 12v DC Wall Adapter, 5AMP
CANbus cable 6 pin
CANbus cable 9 pin
OBDII cable (For Volvo/Mack trucks 2014 or newer)
CANbus D-hole Adapter
MDT Mounting bracket
SD card, 8GB Ultra, Class 10
SD card reader for PC
Create a Driver Log-in for Maintenance
See your companies CarrierWeb Admin to have a driver log-in created to be used for
testing and diagnostics.
Use a Testing Power Cable with the AC to 12v Wall adapter
If a CarrierMate
is diagnosed bad on a truck, plug it in with a Testing power cable using the
AC to 12v Wall adapter.
If it continues to fail, contact CarrierWeb Client Support for further troubleshooting.
If it does not fail with the Test power cable, further troubleshoot truck connections.
Perform a Visual Inspection of the Installed CarrierMate
Check for damaged cables, improper grounds, improper electrical connections, loose
connectors, and the integrity of the installation.
Airadams with multiple layers of fiberglass, metallic logos, or metallic/lead based
paints, and other devices such as metal wings can affect system performance.
Bad or improper mounts can contribute to system problems.
Loose antenna connections or an antenna not installed properly can allow excessive
vibration which can affect system performance.