SI-21-06-R1 (11/2021)
26 / 32
Step 29
Step 28
Step 30
Assemble Rear Cover onto
Bearing Housing
Assemble Rear Cover:
Observe alignment pin during assembly. Make sure
bearing air O-ring is in place. Assemble rear cover.
Bearing Air O-Ring
Assemble Rear Cover onto
Bearing Housing
Assemble Star Screws:
Replace star screws into rear cover of turbine
motor. Do not tighten leave loose and proceed to
next step.
Align housing, Spacer and Rear
Cover in V-Block
Align Turbine Motor in V-Blocks:
Carefully align turbine motor into V-block as
shown in Figure 1-30. Once aligned, check staff
for free rotation by hand then proceed to tighten
Star screws to 12-15lbs.-in.(1.4-1.7 N-m) torque
using an alternating pattern. The shaft should
be free moving during the screw tightening
process as well as after. If not spinning free,
loosen screws and reposition unit in V-block
then repeat process.
Alignment Pin
Alignment Hole
Figure 1-28
Figure 1-29
Figure 1-29
Remove exterior
body O-Ring during