User Manual: xr100+_eng
Cardioline S.p.A.
Via Linz,151
38121 Trento (TN)
Sales office:
Via F.lli Bronzetti, 8 20129 Milano (MI) Italy tel.+39 02 94750470
fax +39 02 94750471
8.2 Cleaning the Blood Pressure Cuff
8.2.1 Removing the Microphone
Pull the end of the cuff through the metal clasp and fold
out the cuff.
Pull on the short Velcro tab to open the microphone pocket
and carefully remove the microphone.
Figure 8 – 1: Removing the Microphone
8.2.2 Cleaning
Clean the cuff and tubing with a moist cloth.
You can use a dishwashing liquid or mild soap water
(no cleaning agents containing alcohol)
Clean the microphone with a cloth moistened with alcohol
or soap water.
Allow the microphone to dry before reinserting it in its
• Equipment Damage •
• Cuff, microphone and tubing may not under any circum
— be immersed in liquids
— be cleaned in a water bath or in running water.
8.2.3 Disinfection
For disinfection, spray a disinfectant sparingly on the cuff,
the tubing and the microphone.
After the contact time indicated by the manufacturer, wipe
all components dry.
The following disinfectants are approved for disinfection:
Schülke & Mayr GmbH:
• Antifect ® AF, FF, FD 10
• Terralin ® (0,5 %)
• Quartamon Med ®
B. Braun Melsungen AG:
• Hexaquart plus ® (0,5 % / 5,0 %)
• Hexaquart S ® (1,5 % / 5,0 %)
• Meliseptol ®
• Melsept SF ® (0,5 % / 5,0 %)
• Incidin Foam ®
Strictly observe the manufacturer’s instructions for use.