User Manual: xr100+_eng
Cardioline S.p.A.
Via Linz,151
38121 Trento (TN)
Sales office:
Via F.lli Bronzetti, 8 20129 Milano (MI) Italy tel.+39 02 94750470
fax +39 02 94750471
As soon as the ergometer receives commands from the
controlling ECG unit or PC, the exercise test will start and
the corresponding values will be displayed.
The exercise test can only be terminated with the corre-
sponding command from the controlling ECG unit.
Figure 7 – 6: Exercise test screen 1
1 current load in watts
2 most recent BP value (systolic/diastolic values)
or cuff pressure during inflation and bar graph
indicating microphone signal strength (see below)
3 duration of exercise test (min)
4 heart rate at the time of the BP measurement (BPM)
5 pedal speed (RPM)
• All functions are locked while the ergometer is operating in
PC mode, except for the saddle height adjustment and the
blood pressure key.
• To reactivate the saddle height adjustment function, press
and the arrow keys will again be displayed.
• Additional blood pressure measurements can be initiated
Figure 7 – 7: Exercise test screen 2
7.2.2 Ergometry
Use the softkeys on the right and left (
↑ ↓
) to position the
bar cursor on
and confirm the selection with
Figure 7 – 8: Main Menu