User Manual: xr100+_eng
Cardioline S.p.A.
Via Linz,151
38121 Trento (TN)
Sales office:
Via F.lli Bronzetti, 8 20129 Milano (MI) Italy tel.+39 02 94750470
fax +39 02 94750471
5 Preparing the Patient for Blood Pressure Measurements
5.1 Cuff Size
Always choose the cuff size suitable for the patient’s arm.
The maximum arm circumference is indicated on the cuff.
Figure 5 – 1: Correct cuff size
When you close the Velcro strap, check that the metal clasp
(a) is inside the marked index range (b), and not outside.
Figure 5 – 2: Wrong cuff size
5.2 Microphone Position
Before applying the cuff, check the position of the micro-
phone inside the red pocket (on the inside of the cuff):
When the microphone is inside the pocket, its
metal side
must face the arm
Figure 5 – 3: Correct microphone position