User Manual: xr100+_eng
Cardioline S.p.A.
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User’s manual
xr100+ / xr100BP+
This manual was written with the utmost care. Should you still find details that do not correspond
with the system, please let us know and we will correct the issue as soon as possible.
We reserve the right to modify the design and technical features of the device and are not
bound by the information and illustrations provided in this manual.
All trademarks appearing in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. Their
protection is acknowledged.
No part of this manual may be reprinted, translated or reproduced without the manufacturer‘s
written permission.
This manual will not be automatically updated. Please contact the manufacturer for the
latest document revision.
ergoline GmbH
Lindenstrasse 5
72475 Bitz
+49-(0)-7431 - 9894 - 0
+49-(0)-7431 - 9894 - 128
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http: www.ergoline.com