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Installation Manual
September 2021 • Rev. 1.4
Cansec Systems’ MAPMINI (Modular Access Panel Mini) incorporates a mini-
computer called the Panel Logic Module (PLM) utilizing Ethernet connectivity and
an Input Output Module (IOM) which incorporates a 32-bit processor in this new
architecture. This allows for a fast, high capacity access control system with a lower
cost per reader/door system implementation. The MAPMINI architecture has the
ability to flash applications and firmware updates into the control panel using the
Ethernet connection.
The standard MAPMINI is provisioned for only one door. There are three modes,
First Access
application based
(web based) and
(cloud based)
The mode can be upgraded. Only one mode can be run at a time and data cannot
be shared between modes. The availability of the general-purpose Input and Output
points depends on the number of doors provisioned for the controller.
The MAPMINI allows for 100,000 individual cardholders, using raw Wiegand data
up to 64 bits per card ID. This allows the use of many proprietary Wiegand cards
without the need for data conversion. The readers can be Cansec’s CanProx One
Proximity Readers (AWID or HID card technology) or one of many other popular
Wiegand readers.
Must have l
atest approved PLM and IOM firmware version for compatibility to this document.
255 Access Schedules
On board Triggers independent of host connection
Supports 100,000 individual user card IDs
Supports any Wiegand card (64 bit max.)
Supports one reader/door
Supports Door Contact and RTE connection
Supports Input points (with or without supervision) and Output
Ease of future software/firmware upgrades
First Access mode or Webster mode or CloudACS mode
Key Features